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The library runs in Node.JS which is required to be installed prior.

The library is shipped as a package on npm. You can add the library as a dev-dependency by running the below command.

$ npm add -D @kolint/ssr
$ pnpm add -D @kolint/ssr
$ yarn add -D @kolint/ssr
$ bun add -D @kolint/ssr


@kolint/ssr strives to integrate easily into any application, with as little modifications and tweaking as possible. @kolint/ssr will scan the document for "ssr" virtual elements. These special elements indicates to @kolint/ssr to start server-side rendering, as well as providing the data used for the decendants.

<!-- ko ssr: { message: "Hello world!" } -->
<p data-bind="text: message"></p>
<!-- /ko -->

Hydrating Server-side Rendered Views

The server-side rendered views requires custom hydration for some bindings. Import the @kolint/ssr/runtime module globally in your applications. The module will register all ssr binding handlers once it is loaded.

import "@kolint/ssr/runtime";

Once the binding handlers are registered, you can run applyBindings as normally.


Using Data From Modules (View Models)

The special "ssr" virtual element allows for a module path to be provided. It will import the module and try to interoperate the data from the module.

<!-- ko ssr: ./my-viewmodel.js -->
<!-- /ko -->

The module specified should be capable of running server-side. You have two options for this:

  1. Isomorphic Modules: The module is designed to run both on the browser and server-side. You should opt for isomorphic modules when possible.
  2. Exclusive Modules: Alternatively, modules can be created to exclusively run server-side.

Build tools

@kolint/ssr is pre-equipped with integrations for various build tools. See below for the complete list of supported build tools. For other tools or custom build processes, use either the CLI or API.