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The linter will automatically detect and import the kolint.config.js module if it exists. You can also pass the --config flag to use a custom path or enforce loading the module.


You need to use module syntax according to the detected module system. If you want to use ESM syntax, you may need to use the .mjs extension.

The config module configures the default options passed to the linter. They are always overwritten by the flags passed.

 * @type {import('@kolint/check').Config}
export default {

Files to include

When you pass a directory to the linter, it scans all .html files by default. Customize this behavior by setting the include and exclude fields using glob patterns."


When supplying the path to a single file to the linter, it will always be included, disregarding this configuration.

export default {
  // Only pick files that ends with ".view.html"
  include: ["**/*.view.html"], 
  // Exclude has higher priority, all files under the "dist/" directory is ignored.
  exclude: ["dist/**"], 


You can configure the severity for every diagnostic, including TypeScript errors. The severity field is a map with the diagnostic code or name, and the severity "off", "warn", or "error".


If you have the vscode extention installed, the diagnostic code is shown when hovering the error in the editor.

export default {
  severity: {
    // The diagnostic is by default reported as an error.
    "no-viewmodel-reference": "warn", 


The linter will automatically resolve the tsconfig from the working directory (cwd) if the field is not provided.

export default {
  tsconfig: "./path/to/tsconfig.json", 