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The Modern Toolchain for Knockout.js

Enhancing developer experience with Knockout and delivering essential modern tools.

KOLint Shield


Code analyzer that can detect common issues in the code. The linter can also spit out type-checking errors provided by TypeScript.

<p data-bind="visible: isVisible"></p>
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'.

Server-side Render

Pre-render knockout views on the server to optimize runtime performance and SEO.

<!-- ko foreach: users -->
  <p>{{ name }}</p>
<!-- /ko -->

<p>John Doe</p>
<p>Albert Einstein</p>

Language Support

A language server (implementing the language server protocol) for Knockout.js to provide language features, such as intellisense, diagnostics, syntax highlighting, etc. mainly for editors.